2nd time around

Back at the gym with Lindsay ( yes, my workout partner’s name is also Lindsay) today. It went great and I feel good. I took care of my ankle and wore my support thingy and it didn’t bother me at all today. We’re going every Tuesday and Thursday. I’m absoutely loving it so far. And roller derby practice is getting closer every day!

I’m also getting more and more excited about my trip to England. I wish I could leave tomorrow! Then I realize it’s three more months before I go. I’m dealing with my dads death much better now, and I looking forward much more to visiting my family in the UK. I also really can’t wait to take photographs of Ireland. I’m going to take my tripod with me. I know it’s a little bulky to carry on a plane, but the last thing I need is my shots of the beautiful Irish coast to come out blurry because I was shaking or something stupid like that.

In other cool news, I’m going with Miranda to an auction on the first of February. A production house formerly owned by Alliance Atlantis was bought out and all their equipment is being auctioned off. Miranda’s taking a lot more money than me since she’s an editor and actually needs high end equipment, but I’m hoping to find a nice lighting kit or something of the like. Whether I find anything or not, it should be fun.

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