Amazing Race Jr?

Been a good week so far. Friday night was awesome. We had a rollergirl party at Dirty Dallas’ house in Welland. It’s a two hour drive from here, which makes us appreciate even more the fact that she makes it to two practices a week. We all got ridiculously drunk, and went roller skating in a parking lot in our pj’s (not so good for the bruised tailbone) and just had a great time. Plenty of completely ludicrous pictures to follow when I get my paws on them.
Me and Scarlett Rhettribution.
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Myna Mishap and Brass Knuckle Betty.
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The the RCMP ride on Sunday was tons of fun. We had a couple new faces, one came with a gorgeous yellow Honda Passport, went to a fair and ended up playing race games with my Batavus Bingo and HS50 in the alley behind my house. See, we can do that now that they’re both working!

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Still haven’t gotten my citizenship card though, and it’s making me nervous that I’m not gonna get down to the Ghost Ride. I called them today and they said that it’s made and ready, just waiting in line to be LAMINATED! WTF? How stupid is that? Does it really take two weeks to slap some plastic on a little card and stick it in the mail? I’ve said it before but I must reiterate that Canada Citizenship and Immigration is the most useless and incompetent organization I have ever dealt with. Well, Passport Canada runs a close second. Actually, most Canadian government agencies I’ve dealt with seem to be fairly useless.

Oh! This is awesome! The lovely Scarlett Rhettribution of Chicks Ahoy has asked me to participate in the Bell City Chase. It’s kind of like a one day Amazing Race in Toronto, and since I’ve been dying to get on the Amazing Race for years, I think we can win! It sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait. But we have to come up with a good team name and theme. Any ideas?

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  1. thordora

    ANYTHING connected in any way, shape or form with our government is inherently useless, and liable to cause ulcers and homicidal thoughts involving forks.

    And that’s from someone who’s been here all her life. I can’t imagine navigating the system otherwise…ick. You have my sympathies.

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