
Well, I don’t get to go to the Ghost Ride. And that sucks. I’ve been looking forward to it for months. Oh well, I should have known everyone would flake on me. Next year I’ll have my motorcycle insured and I’ll just ride down there myself. It’s ok. I have been promised a trip to the zoo from fellow RCMP member Paul to make up for it, and I really want to go to the zoo so that should be fun.

My brother felt bad for not having the time to drive me down to Grand Rapids (he’s so sweet) that he came by on his way through town today (he’s a trucker) and took me out for lunch. That was sweet. I think I’m going to go on a run with him later this month, just because he always drives out to Alberta and I’ve never seen it. I want to see the Rocky mountains and he’d be happy for the company on a trip.

And I though I had bad luck with speeding tickets!

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  1. Anonymous

    You BETTER get out there, and see those Rockies!!
    I’ve been there a couple of times. They’re pretty here. Very Pretty! ~But you get up there, and holicrapoliae!! Take your camara, as you will never again see water that beautiful shade of blue/aqua anywhere else!
    –DeeZy in the mountains-

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