Ghost Ride 1

Good times ahead. I’ve been wanting to make it down to one of the big Moped Army rallies in the states for a couple of years now, but have never yet managed to do it. Today the Ghost Riders invited the RCMP down to their first annual Ghost Ride in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I was trying to figure out how to get myself with or without my crew down there when my friend Bryan called from Indianapolis. He’s in Motion Left and was planning on going, so we’ve hatched a plan. He will come up to Toronto for a couple days before the Ghost Ride and then we’ll drive down together. It should be great! It would make me really super duper happy if some of my fellow RCMP members would come down too, but I know it’s kind of far away. So we’ll see what happens. I haven’t seen Bryan since I went down to Indiana last August anyway. I can’t wait to be on a ride with that many mopeds, and I can’t wait to meet more of the Moped Army folks that I haven’t yet. I’ve met the crew in Elkhart, Ann Arbor and Detroit, and if these guys are as much fun as those were, it’s gonna be a wicked fun weekend. God, I love mopeds…

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