Here’s some photos I took on the set of Hairspray last night. I couldn’t use my flash because they were shooting so most of them didn’t turn out the way I wanted them too. The cars are really cool though. I loved the police cars they had sitting there.
I’m not quite sure how I feel about them remaking Hairspray though; I loved the original movie with Ricki Lake and Debbie Harry. I don’t think it needs to be touched. But we’ll see, I suppose it could be good. I don’t think that John Waters would be too happy about it being shot in Toronto though; the last one was shot in Baltimore, where it should be.
I was at Goodwill with Jim the other day and saw a stuffed chicken. I don’t know why, but it jumped out at me so I bought it for my dog. Now it’s like her child and I can’t get her to put it down. She takes it outside with her when she goes to pee, she doesn’t even put it down to get cookies. I tried to give her a cookie earlier and I had to wait while she went and hid the chicken and came back for her cookie. It’s very cute though. She really is a ridiculous animal. I love her.
Yep, I like those ’59-’60, or around there, cop cars. They remind me of the Twilight Zone.