Happy New Year!

Well, it’s that time of the year again. I hope anyone and everyone reading this except for a slight exception of my several nemesis (who wouldn’t read this anyway) have a safe and happy and wonderful party tonight, and a good year starting tomorrow!

I, on the other hand, work in a bar, and therefore do not get to have any New Year’s fun ever. We are serving until 3am tonight at Andy and don’t close until 4am so I will be utterly exhausted. But, it should be fun anyway and hopefully line my pockets well!

I took my television back to the store today and got another one, which works perfectly! I’m super happy with my little setup and the surround sound is awesome. Maybe I will actually sit down and watch some of those movies I have piled up now. This week is the time to do it; I won’t have a lot of time after I start school on the 8th.

I don’t usually do this, but I’m feeling extra ambitious at this time, so I actually have some resolutions for 2007. They are as follows:

1 – Excel in school. Work really hard, become uber-nerd and get fantastic grades.
2 – Save as much money as possible for the two months I have a non-paying internship so I don’t starve to death.
3 – Keep enough time aside for roller derby and work out more. By more, I mean more than once every two weeks haha.
4 – Go back to Ireland after school is done, either for Halloween or Christmas.
5 – Keep working on the book I’ve been writing for some time. Save time for it and don’t let it fall behind.

I think that’s it. I don’t want to overload myself with too many, or I won’t do any. But these are all things I need to do so hopefully they are reasonable. OK, off to the shower, and then off to work! Although, really, I’d much rather stay home, watch my new TV, and not bother leaving the house at all.

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  1. Anonymous

    Happy 2007 to you too, Lindsay!
    Maybe that video will be watchable on your new TV. If not, then customs X-rayed it too hard.

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