Holy Stupid Internet!

AGAIN, I just wrote a massive long post and then got booted off the internet and lost the whole thing. Maybe I should switch to Vox from Blogger, I’m not sure. I’m thinking about it. It has a lot more features.

Anyway, I was saying that Roller Suicide was awesome. It was absolutely killer. Here’s the lovely Mistress Nightmare, who put the whole amazing night together. Even though she’s on the Death Track Dolls, we love her to bits!

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Here’s some photos of us from the night. Bear in mind there was drinking…………

Me and the amazing Myna Mishap.
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Clearly Cherri Nova’s having a good time!
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Clockwise from left: Cherri Nova, Tara Part, Cookie Toss (me), Creepella, Sue D’Onym, Myna Mishap.
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Our new uniforms turned out amazing. We stood out so much it was unreal, and they even glowed under the blacklight. We also got shirts made up to sell, which turned out incredible. Sue D’Onym is wearing one in the above picture. If anybody wants to buy one, email me. All money raised from them will go directly to practice space for the team.

So yeah, all in all, the night was amazing. I’m sure I made an ass out of myself judging by the incriminating photographs found on my camera the night before from the little afterparty at my place (which under no circumstances I will ever post here)! But everyone had a great time. There were roller derby demos and hot girls from the Pillowfight League. (Which by the way, I’m trying to post photos of but my photobucket thing is taking forever to upload).

I have so much to post about but I’m exhausted. This working almost 60 hours a week thing is really cutting into my “fucking about on the internet” time. I know I said I wanted to work a lot in the winter and save up some money to pay off debts, but I’m finding it hard. Between work and roller derby this is literally the first five minutes I’ve had to myself in two weeks. I haven’t ridden a moped in over a week. And because I’m writing all day at work, I haven’t wanted to write anything at home for myself. But it’s all good, I suppose. If I can pay off my debts (except of course for the nasty student loan) and maybe save up a little bit it’ll be worth it.

More photos to come to my Photoblog. Guess that’s it for now. Good night.

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  1. Anonymous

    You don’t have to post those pictures here anyway, you can just send’em off to me.

    Been wonderin’ if you were gone or something. Looks like ya had a blast. I love the black shirt version! Well, they all look good on you gals! I’ve been riding enough moped for you as well, so don’t worry about that.

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