I’m so fancy

Well, I got home from Roller Derby practice and instead of being smart and going to bed I decided to spend an hour changing the look of my blog around again. I think I like it though, it’s pretty cute.

I haven’t been posting much lately. Not exactly sure why, I think it’s because I don’t know who actually reads this and I’ve had so much going on in my head lately that I don’t think I would want everyone to read it. The short of it is that I have decided I want to move. Not like down the street, I want to move to Ireland. I’ve been looking at schools over there and it looks like I will be moving to either Dublin or possibly England or Wales. Either way, it’s a huge move and takes lots of money so it will be at least a couple years until I go. When I was over there I really enjoyed hanging out with my sister and I also reconnected with an aunt who I adore and I would really like to be closer to them. Maybe it’s just because I’m getting older, but I never really cared about being close to my family before. Now it’s heartbreaking to think about how far away from them I am. So I figure the way to fix that is to go to them!

Also, as much fun stuff as I do in Toronto, I’m only really here by default. I feel like I really should be over there. I never wanted to move here in the first place; I didn’t have a choice.

One of the big reasons I’m moving is to go to school. I owe OSAP so much money that there’s no way I can ever return to school here, and I really want to get more education. I think that there are a ton of things I can do with my career with more school. Plus, I like school! I never got the chance to have the whole 3 year degree experience, and I think I would like to now. I’m also eligible for free, yes free, university in Ireland. I just have to live in the EU for three years first. So I’m not 100% sure of my plan yet, but I’m either going to win the lottery and go right to school, move to Dublin and work and go to school part time, or sign up with an international recruiter and work there for the three years and return to school full time for a degree. I’ve been looking at a lot of schools and so far it’s looking like I will go to Dublin, Ireland or Lampeter, Wales. But we’ll see. I have a lot of thinking and planning to do. It’s a big move. I’m going to go to Europe again either this year or the beginning of next to check out all the places I’m interested in in person.

Either way I’ll be updating more. I want to use this blog to document both my searching and moving. I can’t wait to get over there again. It’s just so beautiful and I really feel at home in Ireland, which is not the case in most places, including Toronto.

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  1. Anonymous

    I read your blog all the time, right after I read Bryan’s. I think of you often. It was really great spending that week with you in Elkhart. Your ora is very bright and you exude so much confidance.I’m sure you will find what your heart is searching for.

  2. Lindsay R Casey

    leah! woo! awww:) dude, i had a brilliant time with you………you should come up here with bryan. we’re gonna go to the ghost ride in grand rapids, it would be wicked if you came too.

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