Loving surprise packages.

I got another great surprise package in the mail from England today. It was from my cousin Andrew in Bacup, Lancashire and it contained some great music and old English moped license plates from the 1960s. He thought they would be just the ticket for a homesick Norman Nippy, and I just happen to have one sitting in my dining room. The coolest thing I got though, is a photograph of my Uncle Jim riding around Manchester in the 1960s on his Honda. Doesn’t he look smashing? I don’t know who took the picture but it’s a wonderful shot.

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When I went to Europe in April, Andrew came to Ireland with me. He’s awesome. We had a fantastic time together, and I really wish that I could see him more. He’s got a double decker bus with a wood burning stove in it and he’s also really into mopeds. The plates he just sent me are the original plates from his 1967 Honda 90, which is another reason that I think it’s so sweet that he sent them.

Haven’t posted in a little while. It was my birthday last Thursday so I went out with a bunch of friends and got absolutely plastered. Friday was a complete write-off, then Sunday I went riding with the RCMP again for the 1st time since my moped accident. It was really nice to ride with the group again, I had missed it. We had a new guy show up on a Jawa just like my old one, of course it broke down, but it was just a spark plug. Luckily Frank had an extra one on him so the situation was easily remedied.

I bought myself a fancy new suitcase for my trip to the Emerald Isle, and I keep staring at it wanting to pack it right away. I can’t wait to go on my trip!

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  1. Anonymous

    I almost bought a double-decker bus once, then found out that around here, you need all kinds of special permits, and there’s more limitations, than they’re aren’t. I do have an old ’53 Chevy Schoolbus though. Love them busses!
    ~So ya had to get another suit case? I’m not real tall, but thanks.

    I will fit, won’t I?

  2. Anonymous

    I’ll be arriving via UPS. I should be there in a week or two. I’ll have to ask you to excuse the smell when the box with me in it, arrives at your door.
    And careful; use a short blade to open it! Does your suitcase have rollers? Or are ya gonna have to toss me on top of your skates to tote me through the airport. Is there any shots I should get first? I hope not!

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