My new couch

I finally invited Kagin up on my new couch and now she won’t give it back! I’ve only had it 2 weeks and clearly the dog has already claimed it!

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In much shittier and far less cute news, I woke up on Tuesday morning with some killer back pain. I could barely move, but I went to work anyway. I lasted about 2 hours and went home. Same thing happened yesterday so I finally sucked it up and went to a doctor yesterday. Turns out I have sciatica. Although I’m very young to be getting it this badly. I guess that’s what years of abuse to your body gets you. I love how it shows up as I’m getting healthy. Anyhoo, it’s extremely painful but I do have some nice painkillers that are making me type this really slowly. Supposedly it will just come and go at whim forever. Woo hoo!

……………and now for something completely different!

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  1. Bruce50cc

    Think long and hard about roller derby Lindsay, I spent 3 months not able to walk waiting for surgery and 10 months off work.

  2. david

    I just got over a bout of sciatica. There are only two things you can do for it Linds, (well, three if you include drugs), and that’s rest (very impt.) and back exercises (boring, but you’ll thank me in the morning).
    When I was 36, I was helping a guy take down a huge covered porch on his farmhouse when the supports fell out of the wall and the thing collapsed, with me holding it up. Forgot to let go. It compressed a disk (L4) in my spine and bent me over completely. Could walk a bit after a couple of days, but it took me 18 months of drugs, therapy and chiro for it to go away. Characteristic: dull pain down the hamstring from the ass to the ankle, floppy leg until it warms up. It seems to recur seriously every few years but, in the meantime I get a few pseudo-sciatica episodes (hey I’m not making this up) in which a muscle in my upper butt spasms near the spine and touches the sciatic muscle. Same painful reaction and symptoms, but it usually goes away after a few days. This is primarily caused by SKATING, all bending-foreward-from-the-waist activity, lifting things wrongly,pounding the pavement too hard during walks or runs, though sometimes twisting awkwardly and even sneezing will set it off. Last year, playing hockey, I torqued my spine on a seemingly innocent hit and had the worst bout ever. The only thing I could do was walk, but after a month, I lost even that. Turns out I also tore lots of muscles in my core, and it actually took four months before I could anything more than the old man shuffle. Scared the shit out of me. I

  3. Lindsay R Casey

    yeah i remember your back last year dave. it sucks. very painful. i asked the doctor if roller derby was still ok and she said i should wait a couple weeks, and as long as i’m doing the exercises and physio then it should be ok if i start off slow. i’m not letting it stop my roler derby! lol

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