Just a quick update before I go to bed…………… I had my event for school last night. The rest of Team Yellow and myself put on a Pub Quiz at the Hargrave on the Danforth. It went swimmingly, at least we feel that way. It was tons of fun and we raised quite a bit of money for the Mount Sinai Foundation’s Highest Priorities project. I hope we get a good mark. I was so relieved it was over that lots of ridiculousness ensued; spilled beer, silly photographs and lots of dancing. Needless to say, this morning was unpleasant, but it was well worth it.
I know everyone is talking about the shootings at Virginia Tech. I think it’s horrible. It makes me really upset when things like this happen, and unfortunately, they seem to be happening more and more frequently. I wish people would stop blaming the school administration though. While I do think that they could have handled the situation in a more timely fashion, how could they possible be prepared for this. How can you lock down an institution with 26,000 students? It’s impossible. I suppose it’s human nature to immediately blame authority in a situation like this, though. People automatically think it’s their fault for not keeping us safe. I feel really, really bad for the people involved in this. Another thing that bothers me about it – and I’m not trying to diminish the magnitude of the occurrence at all here – is that the President was at Virginia Tech today. He made it there in less than 24 hours but it took him how long to get to New Orleans? Let’s see some consistency here.
This is amazing. I was just talking to my mom and she told me about it. I don’t know if you guys have ever read Yan Martel’s Life of Pi (you should, it’s fantastic), but he has started up a campaign to get our boneheaded Prime Minister reading. He’ll be sending our dear Stephen Harper a new literary masterpiece every two weeks and you can see what it is and the letter accompanying it at What Is Stephen Harper Reading? I will be quite amused to see what ole Stevie has to say about this, if he even bothers responding. The first book to be sent was Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, which I have read, and which I think is an excellent choice. I love those Russians. I’m such a nerd.
Are ya still home, Lindsay? Or did ya fly away already?