
Say Goodbye to Productivity

Turn your laptop into a visually and aurally beautiful soundboard with Patatap. Love.

Why Your Business Doesn’t Need An App

A friend recently mentioned to me that an acquaintance of his wanted to build a mobile app for his pub. Not a mobile website, not a responsive website, but a full fledged app.

If you’re starting a new business or just getting your existing business online, I can see the allure of a shiny, new app. But you don’t need one. In fact, you shouldn’t make one. It’s a terrible idea. Here’s why:

  • Nobody is going to use it. When I want to see a menu or see what events are happening at the local bar, I check their website. I’m not going to go to the app store, download and app and give it prime real estate on my already crowded iPhone screen.
  •  It doesn’t DO anything. Think about what your bar or restaurant’s app will offer to your customer. If a potential customer does download your app, all it is going to do for them is take up time and precious smartphone space. Unless it takes reservations and includes other value ads, it is useless to the customer. If it does offer these things, it’s likely too expensive to maintain. Which brings me to my next point…
  • It’s expensive. Developing an app for your restaurant (or almost any retail business) is a waste of money. People want to view a clean, informative website that is responsive across all devices. Why spend money developing something nobody wants to use? Put your money into a user friendly website. You’ll have money left over and a happier audience.

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The Pros & Cons of Freelancing

Loving this infographic!

The Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer
Source: The Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer

Crowdfunding: It’s About More Than The Money

Crowdfunding is about spreading the word – generating buzz and a sense of urgency. Yes, it’s about money. But money only fulfills part of the budding entrepreneur’s needs. The momentum that a successful crowdfunding campaign can stir up has given some projects far more publicity than the money could have bought.

Wondering how to get that momentum started? Here are a few simple tips gathered from studying some of the past years successful campaigns.

1. Don’t be greedy.

Do you need $4,000 to get your project off the ground? Great! Ask for $4,000. Don’t ask for $10,000. Ask for what you need, nothing more.

2. Clarify.

What exactly do you need the money for? By explaining where the money is going, you’ll give potential backers confidence that their money is going to be put to the proper use.

3. Don’t rush.

Did you book your CD release with no CDs and need to raise money to press them? Too bad. Give your project the amount of time it needs to gather momentum, build a name and attract backers. A campaign that seems rushed and sloppily put together won’t be successful.

4. Be creative.

Make your campaign video worth watching. Whether it’s hilarious or just incredibly slick, a well thought out video can make or break your campaign. Watch your video and ask yourself if you’d share it. Make something worth sharing.

5. Create cool rewards.

If you want people to hand over their hard earned cash to help your project, you’ve got to give them something in return. Be creative with your rewards; offer things and experiences people actually want and don’t cheap out. Perks that are cool and exclusive are proven to work.

6. Talk to people

It sounds cliche, but no matter how cool your product is, how organized your campaign is or how awesome your perks are, you’ve got to engage your audience. Talk to people. Get them so excited about your project they’re willing to share the love.

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Make Social Selling Easy With Chirpify

Social media is everywhere and that isn’t going to change. Our digital lives are becoming more integrated with our offline lives and I believe the next phase of this combination is e-commerce.

Some people have been slow to accept internet banking and other forms of online financial transactions. However, with companies like Square processing payments on smartphones combined with a generation of people who’ve grown up with online banking, it’s clear that the next step is seamless integration between shopping and social media.

Chirpify, the only in-stream social commerce platform, is a forward thinking company making e-commerce simpler than ever.

The Social Commerce and Payments Platform from Chirpify on Vimeo.

See something you like on a Facebook page? How about Instagram? With Chirpify, you can buy, sell or pay for items with a single comment on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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