Well, today has been a day of disappointment. First off, I had set my alarm for 9 (even though I worked at the bar last night) to get up and go over to my friend Caro’s house to watch the England / Portugal match. First, my favourite player, Rooney, was red-carded and sent off; then Beckam’s foot hurt so he was off. I hate that smarmy bastard Ronaldo. I doubt he’ll be welcome back on Manchester United. England managed to hold it together for a score of 0-0 after 30 minutes of extra time so we went into a penalty shootout and lost. So that was sad. Me and Caro decided to go to the pub for a pint and some all day breakfast which really hit the spot and made us both feel better. Then…………..I checked my messages……………..
……………. an urgent phone call from Miranda. She sounds like she’s crying so I call her right away. I ask “what’s wrong?” and she says “Melvin“. I knew this to mean that her cat Melvin had died; he was 16 years old and had just had cancer so it was probably that he had passed away of natural causes. Not so. A woman down the street from Miranda’s parents house had let her two dogs out, just out, roaming around, and the two dogs ripped poor little Melvin to shreds. What a horrible, horrible way to go. Miranda’s dad heard the fighting and ran outside, punching one of the dogs in the head and throwing them both off Melvin, but he was too late.
I feel sick when I think about the way that he died. He was a tough little bugger too; if this was five years ago and he hadn’t been sick, he would have sent those dogs packing. Melvin was not a cat to be fucked with. Miranda is devastated, and I would bet money that her dad is much more upset than he’s letting on. Since the woman who let her dogs out to roam around the neighbourhood (while she has a perfectly good sized, well fenced in back yard) doesn’t seem very apologetic, I think she should have to do something. I mean really, who just lets their dogs out? If my dog got out and hurt someone else’s pet I would be heartbroken, and vice versa. I don’t even know what I can do to help. I’m going in to work tonight so that Miranda can go to her parent’s house and be with them. I don’t know what else I can do.
At least France beat Brazil. That makes me happy.