Still Alive!

…and well! Better than I have been in quite some time, actually! I LOVE school. I’ve been having a great time. The workload is getting heavier and heavier already, but I’m interested in the work and have been enjoying doing it. Let’s hope I can keep this attitude up for the rest of the year!

A bit about my school; I’m attending the Centre for Creative Communications at Centennial College, Ontario’s oldest community college. If you’ve checked it out and think you recognize it, chances are you do! It is Degrassi Junior High, that is, it’s the building in which Canada’s token ’80s teen television show was filmed 20 years ago. So it’s pretty cool. It feels like a high school, which is really funny to me because it has been a very long time since I stepped foot in a high school!

Everyone in my class seems pretty cool, they are all really nice, and the teachers are great. The early mornings aren’t killing me quite as quickly as I thought they would, but it has only been a week. So all is well. I’m emjoying myself immensely. Ido wish that I didn’t have to work as well as go to school, but I can’t afford to quit my job. That will likely happen in the summer though. I’m hoping to take the summer off work and concentrate on school.

So there you have it (Deez!), a quick update. More to follow later on but for right now, I’ve got some reading to do!
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  1. Anonymous

    She’s alive. Can I see a shotta that breathing lunga yores, Lindsay?

    Hoooo huh, hoooo huh, hooooo hung, as she colapses from her knees to the floor in a frump.

    Ought thine, that her nipples should be peeking, as she curled. Lips in a hurl, like the cutest little squirrel.
    I had a bit of your own medicine (jager) tonight, maybe alot. Now I’m flogging your blog spot, like a tongue on the G spot. Does any body really call it that? how stupid.
    All I know is I’m in love with Lindsay. Oh marry me Lindsay my roller girl of happiness ind glee. I want to wake up in your arm pit, and sometimes, your legpit.
    Oh Lindsay…. I am kidding, so don’t froth at the mouth quit so quickly, Lindsay Casey.
    Oh, I am having a good time on this spree of “after the bowling league-itus”.
    Just got done with another night of that. Funny; you won’t see this prob’ly for awhile, and I’ll be blushing and feeling foolish when I dare to check again at what I wrote, when I sober up.
    I’m in an odd sense of being this sunday night; “the red hour”. Hoooo whotu. hombolinga.
    Is this the longest reply in history, on here?!
    I would say that this is DeeZy, but then I’d be in trouble, huh?

  2. Anonymous

    Wow, she didn’t block me from her site!
    Thankyou Lindsay, and sorry. What came over me? Not you; I know that.
    Oh man, I need to lay off that Jagermeister!
    I about got my arcade bowling machine done though! It’s already a blast to play!!

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