That’s delightful!

I saw Mrs. Henderson Presents today with my mom. I’ve got to day, I don’t know if it’s cause I’m English, ’cause Judi Dench is my favourite actress ever, or ’cause I like British war movies and musicals, but it’s one of the best films I’ve seen in a long time. The entire cast is amazing, it’s impeccably written, and there isn’t enough good I can say about it.

Having a good time is a weird thing though. Like watching a really good movie. You come out of it after being completely absorbed in it for two hours, and then you think “wow, that was great. I didn’t think about (insert crappy thing here) or (insert another crappy thing here)” and then you spend the rest of the day thinking about the crappy things more because you’re amazed that you spent that long not thinking about them. Clearly having a good time and forgetting your problems is overrated because it just makes them that much more tedious after.

On an unrelated note, I went to the osteopath for the second time today abou my back. When he did the adjustments, my back moved a lot more freely than last time; I’m not sure if it’s cause it’s a little better, or if it’s because I was less nervous because it was the second time, but either way I’m in less pain so that’s good. He hung me upside down too, that was weird.

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  1. Anonymous

    check out tai chi, it loosens up all the joints and stretches muscles. Might be helpful if you are going to be a roller derby queen, right??


    thinking about joining the RCMP

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