Unlawful Accommodation of Donkeys

I do have more useful things to post, but first let’s take a look at this article from today’s Galway First. Oh my. Man caught in hotel room dressed in latex and shacked up with a donkey. Humans never cease to amaze me. What does amaze me is that the defendant told the hotel receptionist the donkey was a family pet, a “super rabbit” that he was bringing to a pet fair in the city. And the very fact that there is an “Unlawful Accommodation of Donkeys Act 1937” almost made me die from laughter.

I got the results of my dreaded business test back today. I got a B+ on it so I’m quite happy with that. Ordinarily, I would really want an A but I have to admit I’m struggling in this class. I have so much trouble retaining the information. I also had a feedback session with the program coordinator, which went very well. The feedback I received from all my instructors was positive and I’m feeling really good about school. After tomorrow I have a week off for March break. I can’t believe it’s here already; I feel like I just started. I love school. I wish I could stay longer! I think it was Shaw (although it’s very possible I’m mistaken) who said “education is wasted on the young.” Well, it’s true. If I didn’t have to pay bills I think I could be a student forever.

During my feedback session, my teacher told me about the upcoming Mesh Conference. It looks incredibly interesting so I’m going to go. I’m quite looking forward to it.

In other useless information, I just aced the BBC’s weekly world news quiz. AND I just checked out all of the training programs they offer. Next time I go to England – hopefully towards the end of this year – I’m going to sign up for a couple of them. They’re pricey, but I’ll bet it’s worth it. They also have a lot of free courses online. I love them.
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  1. Paul

    Hey Lindsay,
    if you need some help with business studies, give me a call. I can probably help you with the material.

    I am glad that you did well on your test.



  2. Lindsay R Casey

    thanks paul! i think i’ll take you up on that right away! i have a project that i could use an annual report for:) check your email.

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