Chicks Ahoy! new logo

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What do y’all think?

Had a good day today. Was a bit sleepy in the morning but had lunch with my Aunt Carole, so that was nice. Gotta go to work at the bar soon, although I’d rather go to bed but the cash is nice.

I’m a little annoyed though because there was a lot more to my post last night but it seems as though Blogger has eaten it somehow and I’m far too lazy to rewrite it.

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  1. Teddybear

    I love old school tattoo flash. Only one thing… the “AHOY!” looks off balance.
    The calligraphic letters are sort of backwards. The weighty side of the letter should be on the right side… Do you know what I mean?

  2. Anonymous

    I “reach” Teddy.
    I’ve thought that before, but I think if it actually went down on skin, or even on paper, or a shirt, that somebody’d do something about that.

    Lindsay…. girl of boys’ dreams. She’s living one of mine right now, this evening with her Suicide Girls, lucky little floozey!

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