
Finally! I had fun on the weekend! Since I’m always working at my bar Friday and Saturday nights, I never have any fun. I have zero desire to go out to a party at 5 a.m. so I don’t hang out on the weekends at all. This weekend, however, Tara Part and Myna Mishap of Chicks Ahoy! were just hanging out at Myna’s place, so I hurried to finish up work and went over there at 4 a.m. It was great! We had a really nice time, all went out for breakfast in the morning and then I went with Myna to get her new tattoo.

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After that we hightailed it over to the Hargrave, for some “research” for my event management class. I’m putting on an event with my team and ours is going to be a pub quiz night so I went in to talk to the owner about doing it there. He loved the idea so it’s all set; however we stayed for quite a few more pints than planned.

Today was nice too; after getting quite a lot accomplished at school, I had a meeting with two of my teammates at the Gem in preparation for our scrimmage with the Death Track Dolls on Saturday. Nice dinner, one beer, home at 8 o’clock in time for the replay of the Amazing Race. Good times!

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