Why the Boston Marathon Tragedy Gives Me Hope in Humanity.

I’m sitting in front of my TV, as I’m sure most people are right now. I’m watching coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing. I visited Boston about a year ago. Stayed at the Fairmount Copley Square. Right where today’s bombing happened. I can’t imagine the scene.

What a terrible jolt to a day that for so many is the result of months of determination, blood, sweat and tears. A day that is supposed to be about fulfilling your goals, beating your personal best and proving to yourself that you CAN do it.

Imagine, as you come to the finish line, you’re about to cross – you’re exhausted, emotional, proud, you’re feeling any number of other emotions, your adrenaline is pulsing through your body and you are in your element. Then… Then a bomb goes off. A body part flies past you. You see blood everywhere and everything turns into chaos.

You’ve got to find the positive in every situation. It’s hard to smile about today’s events, but it is heartwarming to see the people of Boston rally together. When the bombs went off, they ran TOWARDS the explosion. They’re offering lodging for displaced travellers and sharing their wifi, food & drink – even Google has stepped up and temporarily put its People Finder tool online to help folks find information about their loved ones. I’m not going to talk about the people who committed this crime, they don’t deserve our attention.

Twitter has become the rallying place for those affected, offering help and following the situation. There are hundreds of thousands of tweets flying back and forth right now, but this one will stick with me for a while.


If you’d like to be one of those who help, consider doing one of the things on this list. You don’t have to live in Boston. Doing something helpful at home helps us all.

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