My moped gang rules.

So I have been to lazy to fix my moped so I’ve been taking the bus to work and back. That, and it’s freezing outside. Anyway, I had a good day at work today but by the time I got home I was really tired and cranky from being on the bus. The Queen streetcar was exceptionally packed and since I hate strangers touching me, it was quite a horrible ride home. However, when I got home I checked the mail and my day was totally made! Francisco of the RCMP had been to Kalamazoo, MI, and visited 1977 Mopeds last week, and what a doll, he sent me a 1977 Mopeds shirt, some stickers, and a Moped Army patch and pin. That was an awesome little surprise to come home from work to! Plus it was so cute, his kids had drawn me a Merry Christmas picture on the envelope!

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  1. Bruce50cc

    That was really nice of him to think of you Lindsay. I liked your ‘Queen Streetcar’.It brought back a lot of bad memories.

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