
Well, I haven’t posted much recently, I’ve been so busy it’s unreal. But I have plenty of news to report. First off, the big news! I am going to school! I was approved for the grant and I start on Janary 8th. I’m really happy as I’ve been working towards this for a long time, as you all know. Secondly, I tried to resign from my job because of school, but they don’t want me to! So they have offered me part time employment doing the same job around my school schedule, and from home. So that is excellent news and I told them I would be more than happy to take them up on their offer.

In other news, it’s girl trouble as usual, but I won’t get into the details of that. Let me just say that they are all completely insane.

This is kind of neat. I grew up in Chester, England, which is a beautiful Roman city on the Welsh border. I used to love going to Chester Zoo; it’s a beautifully kept, world class facility. Anyway, their Komodo Dragon, Flora, is expecting babies after never once being in contact with a male of the species. The virgin birth is expected to take place at Christmas.

I’m going to my mums house for Christmas. My brother’s going to pick me and Kagin up tomorrow, so we’ll be there until Tuesday, possibly Wednesday. It should be a nice break. I got them DVD’s for presents so we’ll at least have a few drinks and watch some good movies. I’m kind of looking forward to it, plus now that I know I’m going to school for sure, I can go to Staples on Boxing Day and buy lots of school supplies, which will be tons of fun.

The Chicks Ahoy! Christmas party was a blast. It took me fully two days to recover from it, which means two things:

1 – I really did myself in and probably should have drank less Jagermeister.
2 – I am getting old.

I didn’t take any photos, although I brought my camera and fully meant to, but Tara Part took some of the aftermath. We were all way too busy having fun to take photos. Here’s Tina Sixx and Scooter wrestling on the stage after it was covered in flour by Cherri Nova and Sue D’Onym’s wicked burlesque routine.

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I think Scooter won.

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Sue D’Onym looking hot after putting her clothes back on and cleaning up the flour.

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The night was a huge success, and I’m sure our next one will be too.


In crappier news, today marks a year since my father died. I was thinking about it a lot yesterday and I had these crazy dreams about my parents. I felt awful when I woke up, and I wish that I could truly go home from Christmas and visit the lake where I left him. But it’s ok. I talked to my sister, Emma, for a long time the other night and think I may try to go visit them again next year. This has been a crazy year, a lot of stress, but a lot of good has come of it. There has been a lot of heartbreak, but a lot of happiness, and I think that next year holds the key to more happiness to come.

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