What a Day…

Well, I had a weird night last night. I couldn’t sleep. I woke up at about 3:30 am with horrible stomach pains, got up and took some codeine (because you know, it helps everything!) but couldn’t get back to sleep until about 6:30am. Needless to say, I did not enjoy getting up at 8am for work. However, I had a fairly decent day at work. I enjoyed the work I was doing and thought that what I was writing was quite good.

Then I checked my email at about 3 o’clock to find the best news ever! I’ve been desperately trying to get into this school program since August, and I got the news that I got in! So provided the funding is there I’ll be starting school January 8th. SO…………I’ll keep this job probably through December to save some money and then I will leave it for school! Wonderful news!

And now for something completely different (heh)…………

I had an MP3 player.
I bought it last year.
I loved it to pieces.
Now it’s no more.

It died a horrible death but was luckily still under warranty. SO………..2 and a half months ago I took it back and got a new one. A slighly better one with a colour screen than help photographs as well as music. WELL………………that one died the day before yesterday. So as much as I love Creative MP3 players, I refuse to get another one. So Miranda took me after work today and I got this Sandisk one. It has less memory (it’s a 4 gig, the last one was 8 gig) but this one holds videos, photographs and music, and is supposedly much better made. Let’s hope so. I can’t live without one. However, if this one dies, it was never meant to be and I shall give up on portable music and lock myself in the house crying and listening to vinyl. Which I enjoy doing occasionally anyway.

Now……….I must go to sleep. Although I really just want to stay up all night putting music on my new player, I barely slept last night and I’m exhausted. I’m so happy I got into school. I can’t wait. Although be prepared for a lot of bitching about even more early mornings. It’s clear that I will never sleep properly again.

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