Today marked the 1st ever group ride of the RCMP. That’s the Royal Canadian Moped Posse. It was a small, pre-big-spring-ride that 6 of us attended. We rode around Toronto for a couple of hours, covered a lot of ground, made a lot of people smile and had a fantastic time.
It’s fun to ride a moped alone, but it takes on a whole new feeling swarming around with 5 other people.
Of course, as with anything I do, our wonderful time ended with bad luck. I must have hit a bump somewhere, and in doing so, knocked a vital part of my clutch off so now my bike won’t start! BUT, I have a new bike on the way and I’m sure I can find the part, so I’m not too upset about it. It was worth it.
5 riders?
Wait until you come to K-zoo and get to ride with 100.
i can’t wait, you know the shortage here… 5 is the most i’ve ever seen here!