
So after practice at Scooters last night, I went to visit my friend Shawn who was doing a night at Tiger Bar. It was fun, and then since it was only a block away from my bar, I went in for a drink planning to go right home afterwards. That didn’t happen. They were slammed and I ended up barbacking. So by the time I got home at 5:30 this morning I was completely wasted and totally exhausted. But it was money I wasn’t expecting, and I suppose it paid me back for all the drinks at Tiger Bar!

My best friend Ciara called me today so that was nice. I’d been dying to tell her all about the school thing. She lives in Philadelphia so I barely ever see her, and I totally miss her. She’s awesome. But we might plan a trip together in my break from school at the end of April so that would be awesome. I’m assuming I will be completely burnt out from full time school, two part time jobs, and roller derby by then so that would be great. She was in Long Island when she called me, going to a wedding. She travels a lot for work so I never know where she is!

Gotta work tonight, tomorrow and Sunday night for New Years. I’m going to be toast on Monday, but I don’t have to do anything so will probably sleep all day. Then to try to sort out my home office room so that I can focus on school work and off to school! I’m gonna be like uber nerd, I want good grades!!

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