A friend recently mentioned to me that an acquaintance of his wanted to build a mobile app for his pub. Not a mobile website, not a responsive website, but a full fledged app.
If you’re starting a new business or just getting your existing business online, I can see the allure of a shiny, new app. But you don’t need one. In fact, you shouldn’t make one. It’s a terrible idea. Here’s why:
- Nobody is going to use it. When I want to see a menu or see what events are happening at the local bar, I check their website. I’m not going to go to the app store, download and app and give it prime real estate on my already crowded iPhone screen.
- It doesn’t DO anything. Think about what your bar or restaurant’s app will offer to your customer. If a potential customer does download your app, all it is going to do for them is take up time and precious smartphone space. Unless it takes reservations and includes other value ads, it is useless to the customer. If it does offer these things, it’s likely too expensive to maintain. Which brings me to my next point…
- It’s expensive. Developing an app for your restaurant (or almost any retail business) is a waste of money. People want to view a clean, informative website that is responsive across all devices. Why spend money developing something nobody wants to use? Put your money into a user friendly website. You’ll have money left over and a happier audience.